Healthcare Industry

Technology is incredible. Everyone walks around with miniature computers in their pockets. You can communicate with people from around the world with the press of a button.

Cars are becoming more efficient and are even driving themselves. Smart homes and in-home security have changed lives for the disabled community. Information of all kinds is more accessible than ever.

So how has this affected the healthcare industry? For many years now, hospitals, nursing homes, and doctor's offices around the world have been upgrading their technology. This includes new equipment that helps both patients and healthcare workers.

Linear actuators are a huge part of these technology upgrades. They're used almost everywhere in healthcare now. They're in hospital beds, wheelchairs, hospital scanning equipment, desk lifts, examination beds, dental chairs, nursing home beds, elderly home cabinet height adjustment, and even window openers.

These upgrades to such aspects of healthcare can seem small. They may even go unnoticed by healthy people who don't need to spend a lot of time in doctors' offices or hospitals. But these inventions have done wonders for everyone, from patients to dentists to surgeons. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about linear actuators and how they could improve your way of life.

So what exactly is a Linear Actuator? Well they are mechanical devices that move an object back and forth in a straight line. This can be vertical, horizontal, and in some cases diagonal.

They're in practically every piece of medical equipment you'll come across in hospitals, doctors' offices, and nursing homes. Some are even installed in private homes for those with special needs. Almost everything used in the medical field benefits from them, from MRI machines to desks.

Firgelli Actuators in Healthcare

Hospital Bed

Linear actuators raise and lower the height of hospital beds. These help caregivers because it allows them to adjust the position of their patients to suit their needs.

A taller caregiver can raise the bed so they do not need to bend to tend to their patient. A shorter caregiver can lower the bed so that they do not need to stretch themselves out or stand on a step-stool to provide treatments.

Certain injuries and illnesses call for having the patient's feet raised above their head. Some patients recover faster with their heads elevated. Linear actuators tend to these needs by raising one end of the bed to be higher than the other.

These actuators also allow patients to adjust their hospital beds for their comfort. They can do this without the help of their caregivers. When a patient wants to sleep, linear actuators let them adjust the bed to the exact position they prefer for sleeping.

Actuators in Hospital Bed


Linear actuators also assist wheelchair users. Even if the patient doesn't feel a problem, sitting in the same position for hours at a time eventually leads to the formation of painful sores. Actuators reduce this risk because they allow patients to adjust their position easily.

Linear actuators in wheelchairs tilt, recline, elevate, and even help wheelchair users stand. A tilt actuator will adjust the angle of the seat section of the wheelchair. This easily shifts the user and prevents the formation of sores. These are usually accompanied by actuators in the leg rests that simultaneously adjust the legs when the seat moves, ensuring that circulation is not cut off.

Reclining actuators adjust the back of the wheelchair. This can relieve any issues related to problems with posture. When used alongside a tilt actuator, they can also help with chronic pain issues.

Seat elevators physically raise the person upwards. This allows wheelchair users to be able to reach certain places they may not have been able to before, creating greater independence and better visibility for the patient.

Standers add an extra mobility aid to patients who can stand. This helps reduce dependability on a separate stander. These devices also encourage shifting positions often and the use of muscles that otherwise go unused.

Each of these improves the health, comfort, and independence of wheelchair users.

Actuators in Wheel Chairs

Hospital Scanning Equipment

Linear actuators are also used in a lot of medical equipment. CT scans and MRI machines are both great examples of this.

A table is lifted vertically and then horizontally through a large scanner in both of these pieces of equipment. Both of these motions are necessary to perform these scans.

CT and MRI scans assist in making life-saving diagnoses every day. This would not be possible without the help of two linear actuators. 

The first raises the table to the level of the scanner. The second moves the table forward and backward through the machine to get a complete body scan.

Actuators in Hospital Scanning Equipment

Hospital Desk Lifts - Healthcare Desks

Adjustable Desk Lifts also make use of linear actuators. These help nurses and staff who may need to stop at different workstations throughout the day in a hospital setting. 

In some cases, these workstations are also mobile. That means that staff won't always know exactly which station they're going to be using each day. 

Linear actuators allow shorter staff members to lower the desk so they don't need to crane their necks or raise their arms above their heads to work. Likewise, taller staff members can raise the desk so that they do not have to slouch to reach their keyboards. 

This is useful in many office settings as well. Office jobs usually involve long hours of sitting at a desk. This leads to many health issues in the long term.

Desk lifts encourage shifting positions periodically from sitting to standing. The transition between positions is easy with linear actuators. The ability to adjust the height of the desk makes working while sitting or standing more comfortable. 

Desk lifts are good for the long-term health of all office employees and hospital staff.

Hospital Desk Lifts

Examination Beds

Examination beds in doctor's offices make use of linear actuators too. In these settings, actuators are used for vertical adjustments, tilting, and adjustments to the patient's rest position.

Vertical adjustments to an examination bed may be needed depending on the height of the nurse or doctor. If they are shorter, linear actuators allow them to lower the bed for easier access to the patient. Taller medical professionals may raise the bed for this same purpose.

The legs of an examination bed often are equipped with linear actuators too. These control the motion of the chair's legs. This allows for faster diagnoses and easier treatment of leg injuries.

Linear actuators allow patients to adjust the rest position of the examination bed while they wait for their doctor to be ready for them. This makes the patient more comfortable and relaxed when the doctor comes in. When the patient's experience is more pleasant, the doctor's job is easier.

Many examination beds that take advantage of linear actuators can have other helpful functions too. A good example of this is the incorporation of weight scales into examination beds. This can save a doctor's office time in preliminary exams of overall health.

Examination Bed with Actuator

Dentail Chairs

Dental chairs use linear actuators similarly to examination beds. When uncomfortable dental chairs are installed, it eventually leads to the dentist and oral hygienists developing health issues. These are usually musculoskeletal issues centered around the back and knees.

Linear actuators prevent these problems by making the height of the chair adjustable for them. A taller dentist can raise the chair higher so they won't have to bend over the whole time. A shorter oral hygienist can lower the chair so they can work without straining themselves.

Dental chairs also use linear actuators to tilt the back and legs of the chairs. Cleaning and examining a patient's teeth is much easier when they are leaned back. This allows overhead lights to shine into the patient's mouth so that the oral hygienist can see properly to perform a thorough cleaning.

Actuators in Dental Chairs

Nursing Home Beds

As people get older, they often start finding it harder to do everyday tasks. This can include moving in and out of bed. This is why nursing homes need beds that are equipped to handle the needs of elderly patients.

In a nursing home setting, linear actuators allow caregivers easy access for providing shots or other medications to patients. These will work similarly to hospital beds. They allow the raising and lowering of certain parts of the bed.

Patients can adjust the bed to make it easier for them to get out of. If they need an easier time getting themselves into a wheelchair or a walker, linear actuators are what allow these easy movements. They also make it safer so patients don't have to worry about fall injuries as they're getting out of bed in the morning.

Nursing Home Beds using Actuators

Elderly Home Cabinet Height Adjustment

The older you get, the more dangerous it becomes to stand on objects such as chairs or step stools. These common tactics for reaching the top shelves of cabinets can become hazardous if you develop conditions like osteoporosis. If you fall and sustain a hip injury, you'll lose a lot of independence and mobility.

This is why linear actuators allow for elderly home cabinet height adjustment. Whether you're in a wheelchair, are unable to get up on a step ladder anymore, or are just short, this allows for your cabinets to be lowered to a level that's right for you!

This means no more climbing up on step stools to reach the top shelf of the cabinet. This greatly reduces the risk of falls.

Linear actuators give you peace of mind that you will avoid hip injuries and maintain your mobility and independence.

Adjustable Home Cabinets using Actuators

Window Openers

Everyone loves enjoying some fresh air when the weather is nice. This can be hard to do for elderly people who may not have the muscle strength needed to open a heavy window.

Window openers are linear actuators installed on windows to make this easier. This means you can enjoy good weather without the struggle of opening a heavy window manually.

Some hospitals are tall buildings, so they don't want their patients to be able to open their windows very wide for safety reasons. Window openers can also help with this safety problem.

They can be set up so the windows can be opened only to a certain extent. They can also be designed so that the patient cannot open the windows themselves.

Being able to enjoy good weather can greatly improve the morale of nursing home residents or other bedridden elderly patients.

Open Windows using Actuators

Get Linear Actuators Today

Linear actuators are used in many other ways that can improve your quality of life. The elderly often reach a point where they feel it is difficult to transition from sitting to standing positions. These people are still perfectly capable of moving on their own as long as they can stand up.

Linear actuators can be installed on chairs. They lift the back legs of the chair and effectively ease the person into a standing position. They can also adjust the position of televisions. Patients can watch tv without craning their necks no matter if they're sitting, standing, or laying down.

Whether you're a medical professional looking to upgrade equipment or you're looking to improve your quality of life at home, linear actuators are a must. Firgelli has the largest selection on the market at the best prices. We also offer plenty of customization for your needs.

Upgrade your hospital beds, wheelchairs, hospital scanning equipment, desk lifts, examination beds, dental chairs, nursing home beds, elderly home cabinet height adjustment, window openers, and more today!

Come check us out and let us help you find linear actuators for your needs today!

Firgelli Linear Actuators