Three-Axis Digital Compass Unit - MAG3110

      Three-Axis Digital Compass Unit - MAG3110

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      Standard Warranty (included in purchase price): 12 month warranty due to device malfunctions when it is used within the described conditions/limits.

      Warranty Plus: Your product will be replaced (including free shipping) with a new one within 12 months of purchase, even if it is damaged due to improper wiring, incorrect usage, a problem in the electrical installation or any other circumstance.

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      The MAG3110 is a small, low-power digital 3-D magnetic sensor with a wide dynamic range to allow operation in PCBs with high extraneous magnetic fields. The MAG3110 magnetometer measures the three components of the local magnetic field which will be the sum of the geomagnetic field and the magnetic field created by components on the circuit board.

      Used in conjunction with a 3-axis accelerometer, orientation-independent accurate compass heading information can be achieved. The MAG3110 features a standard I²C serial interface and is capable of measuring local magnetic fields up to 10 Gauss with output data rates (ODR) up to 80 Hz. These output data rates correspond to sample intervals from 12 ms to several seconds. The MAG3110 is available in a plastic DFN package and is guaranteed to operate over the extended temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.


      • 3.3 to 5.0 VDC Supply Voltage
      • 7-bit I2C address = 0x0E
      • Full Scale Range ±1000 μT
      • Sensitivity of 0.10 μT

      Dimensions: 16 x 17 mm